Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bits of Betsy #4 (caddies)

Hi Chickies,


I am not the most organized person in the world but I want my kids to learn organization skills so this is one of the ways to help them learn the skill and to help keep my room a bit tidier.  I did this last year and I rarely lost scissors and almost always had a surplus of pencils.

Each morning they have a caddy with sharpened pencils and the supplies that they will need for the day.


          picture of caddy….


Oh, Betsy, how do you do this…easy (usually), before they can get ready to go home they must have a caddy that is exactly like this morning’s caddy but the pencils may need to be sharpened.  How can they remember what the caddy looked like, you ask?  Easy, in the caddy I have a picture of the caddy glued to the back is a list of what should be in the caddy.  


You know what, this worked.  The tables were very responsible and the more obsessed students would actually check out the caddy several times a day to see if something was missing.

Happy Sunday,



Unknown said...

Perhaps I should try that this year. I swear some of my children must eat several pencils a day (or are they throwing them away)?!? Ughh... I love the idea of putting the picture on the side!
Funky First Grade Fun

Anonymous said...

Great idea Betsy. I do think that would work in most rooms. I have desks in rows so I don't think it would work as well, unless I sectioned them off into groups of 4 or 6. . . hmmmm. I'm going to have to think about this. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Second In Line

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly...

I adore teachers who are very organized in all their teaching stuffs from pens, colors to books and lesson plans. This organization skill is one of the skills that I want to develop and impart to my students as well. With your post, I learned something that I can share to my students.


Unknown said...

Okay, I'm sold!
I had been debating this with myself because it seemed when I taught kindergarten, students were more vested in the supplies when they had a stake in it as a group...there's more accountability too than if they just have their own tool box. Maybe it's because there is a shared responsibility? Lastly, our armed tools lasted longer.
I'm so glad you posted!

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